Monthly Archives: November 2014
The Top Ten Human Evolution Discoveries from Ethiopia

Home to Lucy, Ardi, the oldest stone tools, the first fossils of modern humans and many other discoveries, Ethiopia deserves the title of Cradle of Humankind By Erin Wayman SMITHSONIAN.COM Ethiopia may well deserve the title Cradle of Humankind. Some … read more
6 Vegetables You Only Need To Buy Once, Then Regrow Forever
#1 Scallions Regrow them using their discarded roots. Leave an inch of the scallion attached to the root then put them in a glass of water. Place the glass of water in a room that’s well-lit. #2 Garlic Garlic sprouts … read more
26 Pictures Of The Universe That Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Entire Existence
The universe, man… THE UNIVERSE. By Dave StoperaBuzzFeed 1. This is the Earth! This is where you live. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Image / Via 2. And this is where you live in your neighborhood, the solar system. Via … read more
What is Oxymoron? 11 Funny Oxymoron’s
Oxymoron : An Oxymoron is defined as a phrase in which two words of opposite meanings are brought together…. Here are some funny oxymoron’s : 1) Clearly Misunderstood. 2) Exact Estimate. 3) Small Crowd. 4) Act Naturally. 5) Found Missing. … read more
Very soon Ethiopian food will rule the world…so wash your hands and get set
By SAMANTHA SPOONER, Mail & Guardian Africa Unique spices and flavours are wooing foreign taste-buds, as country’s diaspora becomes big driver of its foods. Ethiopian restaurant in Amsterdam. (Photo/girl_onthe_les/flickr). THE large round dish is big enough to cover the width of the … read more
A leap of faith! Ethiopia’s ‘church in the sky’ is perched on a 2,500ft cliff… with a wall of rock devotees must climb barefoot
Abuna Yemata Guh has been on the clifftop on Northern Ethiopia since 5th century AD To visit requires a six-metre climb up sheer wall of rock with no ropes and crossing narrow ledges with 200m drops Lonely Planet Traveller features … read more
9 Bizarre Sentences That Are Perfectly Accurate
By CHRISTINA STERBENZ Actor George Takei, who played the helmsman of the USS Enterprise on “Star Trek,” recently posted the above image that depicts a strange example of a perfectly logical English sentence. It contains lexical ambiguity, where the same … read more