አገር ማለት

አገር በታሪክ በቋንቋ በሀይማኖት በልምድ በተስፋ በደስታና በመክራ ተሳስሮ የሚኖር አንድ ወገን የሆነ ሕዝብ የሚኖርበት የዓለም ክፍል ነው:: አገር ማለት አያት ቅድም አያት የትወለዱበት አድገውም በጀግንነት ከውጭ ጠላት እየትከላከሉ ለሕዝብና ለመንግስት የሚጥቅም ሥራ ሠርትው እድሜያቸው ሲደርስም ልጆቻችውን ተክተው የተቀበሩበት ጉድጓድ ነው:: … read more
አገር በታሪክ በቋንቋ በሀይማኖት በልምድ በተስፋ በደስታና በመክራ ተሳስሮ የሚኖር አንድ ወገን የሆነ ሕዝብ የሚኖርበት የዓለም ክፍል ነው:: አገር ማለት አያት ቅድም አያት የትወለዱበት አድገውም በጀግንነት ከውጭ ጠላት እየትከላከሉ ለሕዝብና ለመንግስት የሚጥቅም ሥራ ሠርትው እድሜያቸው ሲደርስም ልጆቻችውን ተክተው የተቀበሩበት ጉድጓድ ነው:: … read more
Acts 8:27-39 ESV And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and … read more
Teacher asks class: What is the difference between a problem and a challenge? A student responds: “4 boys +1 girl = problem. 1 boy + 4 girls = challenge!” read more
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then … read more
10. “What the fuck do you mean, we are sinking?” — Capt.E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic,1912 9. “What the fuck was that?” — Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945 8. “Where did all those fucking Indians come from?” — Custer, 1877 7. “Any fucking … read more
Home to Lucy, Ardi, the oldest stone tools, the first fossils of modern humans and many other discoveries, Ethiopia deserves the title of Cradle of Humankind By Erin Wayman SMITHSONIAN.COM Ethiopia may well deserve the title Cradle of Humankind. Some … read more
#1 Scallions Regrow them using their discarded roots. Leave an inch of the scallion attached to the root then put them in a glass of water. Place the glass of water in a room that’s well-lit. #2 Garlic Garlic sprouts … read more
The universe, man… THE UNIVERSE. By Dave StoperaBuzzFeed 1. This is the Earth! This is where you live. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Image / Via visibleearth.nasa.gov 2. And this is where you live in your neighborhood, the solar system. Via … read more
Oxymoron : An Oxymoron is defined as a phrase in which two words of opposite meanings are brought together…. Here are some funny oxymoron’s : 1) Clearly Misunderstood. 2) Exact Estimate. 3) Small Crowd. 4) Act Naturally. 5) Found Missing. … read more