እኛ ማለት

By Adoni Ado ★እኛ ማለት በ2008★ መንግስት 88 ኮንዶሚኒየሞች ጠፉብኝ ሲለን እግራችንን ሰቅለን የሳቅን ፡ የደቡብ ሱዳን ታጣቂዎች ጋምቤላ ላይ በጥይት ሲፈጁን ከመንግስት ቀድመን ብሔራዊ የሀዘን ቀን ያወጅን ፡ ስለ እስራኤል መንግስት ሲወራ ክርስቲያን የተነካ እየመሰለን ሙስሊም ወንድሞቻችንን የሰደብን : ስለ … read more
By Adoni Ado ★እኛ ማለት በ2008★ መንግስት 88 ኮንዶሚኒየሞች ጠፉብኝ ሲለን እግራችንን ሰቅለን የሳቅን ፡ የደቡብ ሱዳን ታጣቂዎች ጋምቤላ ላይ በጥይት ሲፈጁን ከመንግስት ቀድመን ብሔራዊ የሀዘን ቀን ያወጅን ፡ ስለ እስራኤል መንግስት ሲወራ ክርስቲያን የተነካ እየመሰለን ሙስሊም ወንድሞቻችንን የሰደብን : ስለ … read more
The Guardian Ethiopian noblewoman Walatta Petros left her husband to stop the spread of Roman Catholicism, possibly fell in love with a fellow nun and was elevated to sainthood. A depiction of “how Christ gave Petros souls in the likeness … read more
Seattle Globalist Written by Goorish Wibneh Obama tries Ethiopian coffee during a visit to National Palace in Addis Ababa. Obama should have said “konjo bunna,” Amharic for “delicious coffee” — customary praise given after the first sip. (Photo by Pete Souza / … read more
By Fr. Lawrence Farley, Orthodox Christian Network There is a good chance that the verse cited in the above title, a verse from Psalm 68, is a favorite Biblical verse with members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. There is somewhat less … read more
Ethiopia is landlocked country located in Eastern Africa. It borders Kenya, South Sudan, Somali, Djibouti and Sudan. Here are interesting facts about this African nation: Addis Ababa, the capital city, is the highest capital city in Africa, at 2,400 metres. … read more
ጌታ ለእኔ የማይፈርደው እስከ መቼ ነው? የእግዚያብሔር ቤተሰቦች የእውነት ቃል በእናንተ ካለ እስቲ ፍረዱ ! ፓስተር ዳዊት ሞላልኝ የተባለ ግለሰብ ህጋዊ የትዳር አጋሬን ባለቤቴን በቁሜ ነጠቀኝ:: አቶ ግርማ ዱሜሶ ይህንን ጽሁፍ እራሳቸው አዘጋጅተው ከእነ ፎቶግራፋቸው የላኩት ግለሰብ ነዋሪነታቸው በሰሜን አሜርካ … read more
This incredible collection of moments represents the joy, innocence, despair, curiosity, and undying perseverance within all of us. No matter where we’re from, these are the emotions that unite us – it’s what makes us human. We set out to … read more
The New York Times The Arthur Rimbaud Cultural Center, a merchant’s home now dedicated to the poet and his time in Harar.Credit Michael Tsegaye for The New York Times By RACHEL B. DOYLE In December of 1880, the mercurial French poet … read more
Written By Tom Hart, Geographical Narthex north wall Maria-Jose & Bob Friedlander/IB Tauris Ethiopia was among the world’s first Christian countries, but its many remote churches remain hidden – even from the locals Ethiopia’s remote churches range from rock-hewn buildings perched on … read more
By Peace Corps Volunteer I’ve been exercising twice a day just for kicks, and when I’m lying on the floor unable to move after an Insanity session, I’ve been thinking about the things that should be brought back to America … read more