Below are the telephone numbers of the embassies and consulates that are located in Addis Ababa. The phone numbers will be updated as regularly as possible.
Embassy/Consulate Country | Telephone Numbers |
Algeria | +251 371 9666 |
Angola | +251 551 9009 |
Austria | +251 371 2144 |
Belgium | +251 551 7765 |
Benin | +251 371 5422 |
Brazil | +251 662 0401 |
Bulgaria | +251 661 0032 |
Burkinafaso | +251 661 5863 |
Burundi | +251 465 1300 |
Canada | +251 371 3022 |
Cape Verde | +251 663 5466 |
Chad | +251 372 0315 |
China | +251 371 1960 |
Congo Brazzaville | +251 661 0012 |
Congo D. Rep. | +251 372 5887 |
Congo Rep | +251 551 4331 |
Cameroon | +251 661 0012 |
Cote D’Ivoir | +251 515 9866 |
Cuba | +251 662 0459 |
Czech Rep | +251 551 6382 |
Denmark | +251 371 1377 |
Djibouti | +251 661 3006 |
Egypt | +251 122 6417 |
Equatorial Guinea | +251 662 6278 |
European Commission | +251 661 2511 |
Finland | +251 320 5920 |
France | +251 123 4767 |
Gabon | +251 661 1075 |
Gambia | +251 662 4647 |
Germany | +251 123 5139 |
Ghana | +251 371 1770 |
Greece | +251 465 4911 |
Guinea | +251 465 1308 |
India | +251 123 5538 |
Indonesia | +251 371 2104 |
Iran | +251 371 0026 |
Ireland | +251 466 5050 |
Israel | +251 646 0999 |
Italy | +251 123 5717 |
Japan | +251 551 1088 |
Kenya | +251 661 0033 |
Kuwait | +251 661 5411 |
Lesotho | +251 661 4368 |
Korea (North) | +251 663 7430 |
Korea (South) | +251 465 5220 |
Liberia | +251 553 3655 |
Libya | +251 551 1077 |
Madagascar | +251 661 2555 |
Malawi | +251 371 1280 |
Mali | +251 416 8990 |
Mauritania | +251 372 9165 |
Mauritius | +251 661 5997 |
Mozambique | +251 661 0204 |
Namibia | +251 553 4701 |
Netherlands | +251 371 1100 |
Niger | +251 465 1296 |
Nigeria | +251 155 2308 |
Norway | +251 371 0799 |
Palestine | +251 371 0719 |
Romania | +251 661 0156 |
Russia | +251 661 1828 |
Rwanda | +251 661 0300 |
Poland | +251 371 0033 |
Portugal | +251 371 0033 |
Sahara Republic | +251 371 8666 |
Saudi Arabia | +251 663 2308 |
Senegal | +251 661 1376 |
Sierra Leone | +251 371 0033 |
Serbia | +251 551 7804 |
Slovak Republic | +251 655 5723 |
Somalia | +251 618 0673 |
South Africa | +251 371 3034 |
Spain | +251 122 2544 |
Sudan | +251 551 6477 |
Swaziland | +251 626 2125 |
Sweden | +251 518 0024 |
Switzerland | +251 371 0577 |
Tanzania | +251 662 7840 |
Togo | +251 372 1912 |
Tunisia | +251 662 1840 |
Turkey | +251 661 2321 |
Uganda | +251 551 3114 |
Ukraine | +251 661 1698 |
United Kingdom | +251 661 2354 |
United States | +251 517 4000 |
Venezuela | +251 646 7440 |
Yemen | +251 371 9666 |
Zambia | +251 371 1302 |
Zimbabwe | +251 661 3877 |